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    Компании отрасли региона
Kravitz Invest Consulting
Представляет: Kravitz Invest Consulting
Отрасль: IT
ID проекта: PRS000139

Реконструкция аэропортового комплекса (г.Оренбург)
Представляет: ФГУП «Оренбургские авиалинии»
Объем инвестиций: 1392000000 Руб
ID проекта: PRS000230

Посёлок "ЭкоДолье", село Ивановка Оренбургской области
Представляет: ООО "Экодолье Оренбург"
Объем инвестиций: 2600000000 Руб
ID проекта: PRS000247


ID:PRS002681 // Дата обновления: 2017-05-24 // Просмотры: 1

Crative Partnership Consortium
Рейтинг проекта:
(Вы уже проголосовали)
 6 баллов (4914 голосов)
Объем инвестиций:
14 000 000 Евро

Состояние проекта:

Описание проекта
The Consortium "Creative Partnership" invites you to take part in the project "INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. SUMMER YOUTH CAMPUS ". Participants of the Consortium: companies and organizations in the fields of audio-visual industry, cinema production, exposure, music, fashion industry, theater performance, architecture and design, dance, educational organizations.
Realization of the project on the basis of revitalization of the territory and old objects. The duration of the project is 48 months. Preliminary cost estimate of the project 14 m Euro. Location: Kaliningrad (Königsberg), Russian Federation.
The result of project: Intercultural communication and global education that fosters personal development.
Additional opportunities for the project: Consider the project as part of a cluster of creative industries located in the same district.

О компании
The Russian consortium includes companies and organizations that operate in the areas of IT, creative industries, development, education, management. The goal of the consortium is to organize the effective interaction of participants in the implementation of development projects in the Russian Federation, as well as ensures cooperation with foreign companies of a similar profile.
Реализованные проекты

Дополнительная информация

Juridical consulting. Strategic assistance.

Контактная информация